With the little hard information available since this is the most secretive politburo the United States has ever had here it is in a nutshell. The democrats and Olympia Snow want to start collecting taxes for health care immediately and pay out benefits in the future. 2013 is the date most often reported. Why?
Why not just give out vouchers to the uninsured to buy medical insurance and pass a no medical preconditions bill? To easy and doesn’t fit into the plan of enslavement of the people.
By front loading the bill with taxes democrats can make the claim that they are helping to balance the budget. And in a lot of their minds they truly believe that. This would help them, they feel, with re-election and give them more money to buy votes. There will be no “lock box” just like social security. The money will be spent and then some. It would be laughable economic stupidity if it wasn’t so serious.
Democrats know that they will have a hard time in the 2010 midterm elections and have written them off. The leadership doesn’t care if there are casualties. That’s the way wars go. So they will lose a lot of congress and a few senators. They will rig the votes for vulnerable congressmen and senators as much as possible to give those up for re-election as much cover as possible. But no matter how you cut it 2010 will be a bad year for democrats.
In 2012 that will all change. Obama and the US Census will count illegal immigrants in democratic states. This will move up to nine congressional seats to California and other friendly states. With a combination of stimulus bills loaded to take effect in the first and second quarters of 2010 and 2012 there will be economic activity that will make the growth numbers for the GDP look promising, they hope. Combined with the fact that the crappy heath care will not be widespread until 2013 they hope the public will be distracted enough to give them clear majorities in both houses of congress and the presidency back again.
The increased taxes on medical equipment will cause health care cost to rise and it will be reflected in higher insurance premiums. This will be good for democrats campaigning against the evil insurance companies in 2012 but the economy will lose thousands maybe millions of jobs. Medical school enrollments will decline and we will see a flood of Arabic and Indian doctors like in England. The medical profession will be crashing and burning, the exact conditions democrats want before the crappy rationed care that will take effect in 2013.
Great plan only a couple of things wrong with it. By increasing taxes in a recession or as Arthur Laffer accurately points out anything above 27% the federal government will take in less revenue. Less revenue means a bigger government deficit. A bigger government deficit means an acceleration of the already collapsing dollar. Inflation will be a very unpleasant experience and there is a good chance the public will totally revolt against whichever party is in power. Literally.
The democrats who have already perfected the election rip off dance will have to step it up in friendly states to maintain power. By 2012 they hope to have so disorientated the American people that the people will flock to them for help. And unfortunately most people are that brainwashed or just plain stupid. Either way a temporary victory in 2010 by the republicans will be short lived as more third world 5th grade educated illiterates are allowed to vote. As Dick Morris points out the time for battle is now. Once the bill is passed the dictatorship moves on to illegal immigration.
Looking at history there is little hope unless the republicans and people are willing to make sacrifices. Just once I would like to see a fire and brimstone republican get up in the halls of congress like southern democrats did back in 1858 and 1860 and declare that if the dictatorship efforts do not stop they will openly support succession from the union. If enough congressmen and women did this maybe this bad nightmare we have in store for us could be avoided. As long as Glen Beck is the only one publically willing to say what is really happening we are domed to repeat history. Bill O’Reilly and other sane “moderates” need to take this seriously. As long as the independents and moderates fall asleep while the nation falls into chaos and dictatorship we are doomed.
If history repeats itself it will once again be the 30% who understand, just like the 30% that fought the revolutionary war, who will once again be called on to fight for freedom and liberty. Or die. Heath care, immigration reform, congressional reappropriation, dictator’s reelection, dictatorship. Winning a few republican seats in 2010 doesn’t change a thing. Got that Hannity?
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