All this is fine but it ignores the main reason to remove Obama from office. What is the elephant in the room that no one is talking about except Beck? Obama is a communist thug wanna bee that has already violated the constitution taking over GM, ignoring bond holders’ rights in the takeover, working with GE in a cap and trade fraud that will enrich GE at the expense of everyone else in the United States. The exposure of CIA agent’s methods and secrets is treason. The take over of the health care industry though the back door. Take over the banking industry with assistance from Bush. And the total disregard for the constitution of the United States just continues on a daily basis. The other elephant in the room is the military knows history. The military knows history very well. And what they are seeing is a Hitler repeat mixed in with some mercantilism and what ever crap sticks to the wall.
We have had some incredibly weak leaders in the past. Jimmy Carter comes to mind. But Jimmy Carter never took over large sections of the economy, endorsed censorship, turned over state secrets to the enemy (on purpose anyway) or exposed Israel to a holocaust. Obama wants to build an internal military force as big as the one we have today. Like Cuba and the former USSR. The guy is a nut job who can read a teleprompter and look good. Inside Obama hates America and wants it destroyed at all cost, including his presidency. Fine let the military take the bastard out.
As Glen Beck showed last Thursday (10-15-09) this White House is very venerable to exposure from the media. When Glen Beck exposed Anita Dunn it was a good example of what the press can do. With alternative sources of media like this web site the people, the 30% that will make a difference, can know the truth. And you better believe the military knows the truth and what that creep and his friends are up to in the White House.
The question is who is going to fire the first shot? I don’t mean literally fire a shot. What I mean is will the White House start to disassemble the first amendment? How and where? When will the White House go after the second amendment? It took Hitler a couple of years to consolidate power and his dictatorship. The people of Germany were much more complacent for him because he was one of them. Obama is an impostor and always has been an fraud. Where’s the birth certificate? Why spend $1.2 million keeping the birth certificate out of a court of law? Where’s the Barry Soreto Columbia degree? The charlatan
Dictator wanna bee
I say the first shot is the passage of the health care bill that the majority of Americans do not want. All dictators want control of health care for two reasons. There a lot of tax revenue involved. Second undesirables can be put to death. That’s the first overt shot in the war for a dictatorship of the United States. One could argue the GM and banking takeover were the first shots. I would call them sucker punches. Nobody thought the federal government would be so brazen and in violation of the constitution but they were. So the dictators in Washington got a couple of sucker punches in. And now the debate moves on to health care and we the people know what you’re all about. Go ahead and make my day asshole.
The stakes are clear to clear headed thinking free people. The game plan is to destroy capitalism and the economy. Weaken America to the point wars overseas will break out. The most obvious is the Israel/Iran war. But there will be war in Europe which most people seem to be oblivious of. Russia wants more than anything for Iran to go to war with Israel. The price of oil will skyrocket. Alternate natural gas lines, such as Nabucco, could be destroyed. All that economic power would transfer to Russia as the Middle East is consumed in war. A weak United States would be an open invitation for Russia to move into Western Europe and subjugate the continent like it did in the past. Obama would be busy in America killing capitalism and capitalist. Does any of this sound familiar?
America was very isolationist in the 1930’s. FDR, the American dictator who had an average unemployment rate of 17.2% under his reign, was busy killing the American economy at home. And then in 1939 Germany fired the first shot. The world was totally taken by surprise, or the dumb liberals like Neville Chamberlain anyway, as the war machine rolled. Stalin was totally taken by surprise. Imagine that another stupid dictator taken by surprise by Hitler in 1941. And Obama is nothing more than another stupid dictator wanna bee more concerned with black liberation theology and making the white man pay for his sins than protecting the people. What are a few millions white man military deaths? Pretty much the same attitude Stalin had towards the peasants in his country. Or Anita Dunn’s favorite philosopher Chairman Mao and his 60 million sacrificed in the name of communism.
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