Friday, July 31, 2009

Bill O’Reilly Getting Stupid in his Old Age

Open letter to Bill OReilly:

oreillyIt seems these days there is a strong correlation between graduating an Ivy League school and stupidity. Bill O’Reilly, Harvard graduate, appears to be the latest idiot spawned from these reportedly institutions of higher learning. I mean what the hell with Bush, Obama, Sotomayor, Al Gore and other assorted idiots who cannot think enough to get themselves out of a cardboard box with a box cuter. Why Bill O’Reilly? His comments on Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor.

Oh god Bill yea she’s a closet conservative because she opposed federal funds for abortion and she’s okay according to Bill logic. Okay Bill for a supposed street thug back in the day you sure are coming off as some stupid city slicker to the rest of us. Here’s the down and dirty for the white folks who grew up with decent parents in the nice lily white suburbs like Bill O’Reilly.

Barack Obama is a racist. How do I know this for a fact? All black people of that generation were taught from the time they were old enough to suck a tit that whitey was bad. Whitey had screwed the black man and whitey was going to pay some day. I was one of the few people to have witnessed this first hand as the races mixed in Pontiac, Michigan in the 1970’s. Anyone remember bombed busses? Irene McCabe? George Wallace? Well I do.

When desegregation happened all the white kids were told the black kids were equal and all the black kids were told to beat up whitey and get even. And that’s pretty much how it went down. We experienced race riots and an all out race war thanks to liberal pin head judges. What was before a normal majority lower income white slightly integrated city became a war zone and soon 73% black. What was once a decent place to live is a burned out crack zone. And from this racial intolerance Obama grew up and eventually adopted this hatred of white people.

How do I know? Oh maybe his book to quote “It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere … That’s the world! On which hope sits.”

Or was it the twenty years in a Black Liberation Theology church isn’t enough of a tip off? The racist spoiled pig Michelle Obama’s comments? The only associations Obama has with white folks are gays. Communist, fascist, socialist, terrorist and an occasional screwed up Jew. Is the pattern forming? Didn’t they teach the Fibonacci sequence at Harvard? Bill?

Obama hates white people. Everything he’s done as president has been or is designed to do two things.
1. Gain power for himself and his new fascist dictatorship.
2. Weaken the power of mostly white people but specifically the rich down to the middle class. This would be the top 50% of society that pays federal taxes.

Sotomayor is a Latino racist pig with a 95 IQ. If that. Maybe 90 IQ. Just like Obama she rode her skin color to where she is today. She hates white people and would rule on the Supreme Court cases based on race not the law. In other words dull boy Harvard educated Bill she’s an emotionally handicapped idiot that should be serving lunch in the public school cafeteria. Give me 100 average white guys and any test you want, a reasonable study time for the 100 average white guys and Sotomayor, and guaranteed 80% to 90% of these average white guys will score better than the Latina lunch chick. That’s the cold hard reality of it.

This Latina lunch woman chick is the problem with affirmative action. Why is this low IQ racist lady even a judge let alone seriously considered for the Supreme Court? This is insanity. Argue all you want to against Souter or Ginsburg they have the intellect to serve. This racist punk Latina bitch lunch lady doesn’t.

And then we get into the GOP is racist if they oppose the Latina racist blab bla bla. Hey Bill did you notice that fascist in the White House lately? You think the Republicans should really give a crap if they are called racist? Really? If I was a Republican, and I am not, I wouldn’t mind being called a racist. I mean what the hell difference does it make when my electric bill will be going up $2,000, my gas bill $1,500 and my purchases 25% with a value added tax. Some Latino just used the government as an instrument of plunder and they just plundered my wallet for $10,000 to support their life of idleness and breeding opportunities. Call me a racist.

Look Bill if you’re too stupid or old to see Hitler over there to the south of you consolidation power and getting his dictatorship in order please do Fox a favor and resign. Yea Bill that fascist thug in the White House really is out to screw up the United States and harm our people, especially white dudes like you. It’s the biggest story in your life time right under your nose and you choose to play some middle of the road milquetoast cutie city slicker cuddling up to the other milquetoast republicans and democrats.

Wise up dude. The chick is a racist and should be treated as such. Obama and his crew are fascist. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

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