Friday, July 31, 2009

War, Inflation and the Fall

mussolini-pic obama-pic1

The clueless communist educated commander in chief has led America on some magical trip these last 100+ days down a fantasy world of bail outs, corporate hostile take over’s, consolidation of power over financial institutions. All with astonishing speed. Then ramping up the war in Afghanistan. All this in a hundred days. adolf_hitler-1933-pic1This guy is making Hitler look like a slow dull boy. And the fantasy tour is not even close to being over with.

Soon we will see 16% of our GDP gobbled up by the government in the form of nationalized medicine. We will get a huge tax increase, cap and trade that will destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs. I predicted unemployment in the range of 10% to 12% if the half Negro dullard wasn’t stopped but apparently the ex coke fiend is gunning for more unemployment. Why I would guess he’s gunning for the all time presidential worst unemployment record of 17.2% held by none other than the democratic patron saint FDR.

And we all know what Roosevelt did to get America out of the Great depression? War. War the favorite goal of failed dictators the world over and throughout history. And where will this war come from?

mussolini-military-picAnyone hear that nuclear bomb go off in North Korea? Yea the Chinese puppet state is flexing a little muscle. I would guess the Chinese with their two or was that three trillion dollars of debt might just be maybe a little pissed off Uncle Sam is printing dollars like an African ghetto state. Printing money liken a bunch of uneducated ghetto punks with a counterfeiting printing press. So China looking at the prospects of losing trillions seems to be just a little pissed off these days.

And what will our half Negro leader do? Tell the Chinese to be nice? Oh yea I can see that and then the Chinese dumping a couple of trillion of US bonds on the world market making our currency worthless overnight. Should have thought of that a few billion bail out dollars ago. To late now, China has the US by the balls.

And Iran is flexing its military muscle. Coincidence? Iran another strategic alliance with guess who? China.

So Iran nukes Israel and Obama does what? Nothing but celebrates. To the 78% of Jews who support Obama and the Democratic Fascist Party with money and votes this is what you did now deal with=2 0it. You made your bed now lie in it. You can kiss Israel goodbye. As some compensation tell Israel to drop a few on Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran before they go down into the pages of the history books. Soon Israel will be the last thing on Americas mind.

Will the US be drawn into war? With a weak idiot running the country and a fascist party full of fanatics what do you think? Hell yes. And in the end Obama will meet the same fate as Mussolini and Hitler. In the mean time America will be plundered and destroyed.

That nuke was the first shot of the new era of confrontation. A kindly reminder from the Chinese that it’s not nice to renege on your debts. A reminder that weakness and cowards brings war not peace. All these fascist thugs can do is screw up things.

fascist-flag-picObama needs to be impeached as soon as possible if we are to avoid inflation, war, destruction and the end of America as we know it. Plain and simple. Doesn’t matter how it’s done. Birth certificate, gross incompetence, some stupid law breaking, it doesn’t matter.

Some of us knew the fasci st bastard before the election and now the nation sees the direction the bastards is taking us. That’s all we need to know. Time for the congressmen and women, governors, senators and the people to stand up to the incompetent buffoon now and toss him out of office before someone gets killed and unemployment is 15%.

I am pleading with Texas Governor Perry and South Carolina Governor Sanford to start movements both in public and private to protect their states and the decent citizens of America from the lunatics in Washington. Please form an alliance of 30 states that will resist Washington and succeed if need be. This insanity has got to stop now while we still have time.

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