Friday, July 31, 2009

Constitution Amendments to Save the Republic.

The federal government is well on its way to dictatorship. Controlling 20% of the economy doesn’t seem to satisfy the incompetent idiots in Washington and soon they will be going for more. Socialized medicine will add 16% of the economy into the federal sector. Banks another 10%. Why not go for the auto industry? And of course the bail out are already pushing the federal government’s involvement into the economy up to 22%. And of course this does not count the state and local governments 20% control of their share of the economy. Add it all up and you’re looking at government control over 70% of the economy. And there you have it. The socialist promise and then the fascist boot up the ass.

The founding fathers knew of monopolies and government control of business and literally revolted. The Boston Tea Party was a tax payer revolt plain and simple. We never had a federal income tax until 1913. Never had a permanent federal bank until 1913. And we prospered as a nation. No Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Section 8 Housing or any federal programs. Welfare was a local concern for the local politicians and religious organizations. Exactly as the founding fathers had envisioned for our country. Now we have dictatorship frantically striving to consolidate power.

When this government eventually collapses in the future here is the amendments I would like to see.

28th Amendment. Repeal of the 16th amendment allowing a federal income tax. Prohibiting all forms of taxation except the national sales tax or “Fair Tax.” No tariffs or user fees. Nothing but a national sales tax would be allowed for the federal government.

29th Amendment. Term limits for all federal workers to twelve years including members of the house, senate and the president to 8 years excluding military personal. Why do we want career federal employees? Let them get a job in the private sector and work for a change. Only military personal would be exempt.

30th Amendment. Prohibition of the federal government from legislating, taxing or paying for social engineering programs. Prohibit the federal government from making any private citizen payments except in the case of wrongful deprivation of a persons or companies life, liberty or property. Social Security is bust. Medicare and Medicaid will drop this country like a rock into debt. Housing for the poor is a horrible disaster. Time to let the state and local governments do the social engineering. We don’t need no federal education. We don’t need no thought control.

31st Amendment. Prohibit federal courts from ruling on all social engineering programs set up by the states. Legislating from the bench is very destructive. Time for it to end.

32nd Amendment. Prohibiting all federal and state government financing and legislating local primary and secondary school. Get out of our schools. We don’t need indoctrination from flunkies who failed calculus. Let the people run the schools at the local level.

33rd Amendment. Prohibit all unionization of federal, state and local government workers. We know the track record of unions. We see General Motors and Chrysler on the news everyday. Bankruptcy and bail outs are nothing to be proud of or encourage.

34th Amendment. Prohibit the federal government from regulating any and all drugs. Drug laws should be at the local level. I mean really does anyone in his or her right mind think the “War on Drugs” has accomplished anything except getting people killed and spreading violence? Take a look at Mexico and the killing down there. Soon to be crossing the border into the United States. Prohibition doesn’t work and never has. Grow up.

35th Amendment. Any citizen convicted of three felonies will immediately receive a vasectomy or tubal ligation. Any citizen with children that required government assistance will immediately receive a vasectomy or tubal ligation. If you can’t feed them then don’t breed them.

36th Amendment. Voting in federal and state elections is limited to persons receiving a four year college degree at an accredited university, home ownership or business ownership with gross receipts over $250,000 adjusted annually for inflation. US citizenship must be proved to the satisfaction of a court of law. Local elections are open to all persons 18 and older including foreign residences residing in the local communities. Federal and state election must be held on different days than local elections. We have all had enough of the Obama 20 year old idiots out to save the world voting and screwing up our politicians into mindless zombies searching for the next few billion to hand out. If you’re stupid or ignorant you shouldn’t vote. It’s that simple.

I am sure there are a few more and when the next revolution comes those areas of the country fortunate enough to have decent people like our founding fathers should learn from the demise of our government and adopt these principles. Large federal governments lead to dictatorship and catastrophe. The only legitimate function of the federal government is to have a first class military and settle disputes between states. All the social engineering needs to be done at the state or local level. As it was in the past.

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