Friday, July 31, 2009

Lindsey Graham Proves Republicans are FUBAR

Republican stupidity was on display at the South Carolina convention May 16th. Senator Graham insulted the most vibrant part of the Republicans Party and one of the few bright spots last election cycle. Graham stated “Ron Paul is not the leader of the Republican party.” A direct repudiation of the Libertarian part of the party. The only market share growth in the Republican Party this last decade. Wow what a way to piss off the base.

There was heckling and back and forth banter between Ron Paul supporters and Graham as can be seen on the video. The main gist of Grahams argument was that Republicans needed to be centering right or as most people would classify them as Democrat Light.

Earth to Senator Graham, Bush was a compassionate conservative and John McCain was as center as you can be. The fascist are in control of the federal government and we don’t need “milquetoast conservatism” out there fighting these folks. The only two people I would consider suitable for the GOP would be Ron Paul at the top and Sarah Palin on the bottom. Why Paul? His supporters are the only ones vicious enough to effectively deal with the ACORN fascist on the other side that have no respect for the law or anything else. Graham and his crap philosophy has come and gone. The time to be nice ended in 2000 after the Gore/Bush election.

Message to Senator Graham, we did it your way in 2008. Remember? Democrats used ACORN and unions combined with millions in illegal donation, corrupt judges, election supervisors and propaganda to clean you clock and whip the hall of congress clean of your weak ass philosophical bull junk. You led the troops and the result was a disaster. Now get the hell out of the way.
Republicans hate Libertarians and look down on them. I know it. Graham knows it, Beck, Hannity, Rush and the rest know it. We believe in legalized drugs, fair tax, freedom and liberty. Criticize us all you want for being loony tunes but if you examine the founding fathers and the issues of today we win all relevant arguments.

Drugs. Why legalize them? $30,000 per prisoner. Law enforcement abuses. Billions down a never ending rat hole. Why not spend say 20% of the cost of drug enforcement on children’s education, treatment and hospitalization for addicts. A whole lot cheaper and a whole lot less violence. A no brainer but only if you examine all the facts.

Education. No child left behind. Yea right. Billions to special interest and did McCain get the teacher union vote? I don’t think so. And yet our public schools still fail. School vouchers and complete freedom for parents is the answers not more crap from the Republicans arguing they can piss away money better than Democrats.

Libertarians understand these stark differences between themselves and fuzzy headed politicians like Senator Graham. The average voter has to be presented with these stark differences. Wishy-washy politicians like Graham will get the Republicans a ticket to extinction. Independents are independent because they hate both parties. It’s a huge dissatisfaction with Graham, Pelosi, Bush, Obama and the rest. Graham is part of the problem and he needs to get out of the way.

And what of the argument the GOP needs to win senate seats in Pennsylvania? Says who? How about a few more congressional seats in Western Pennsylvania first? Why does John Murtha keep getting re-elected? The GOP can’t defeat a nut case in a republican leaning district? Seems as though the GOP has their priorities all screwed up. Oh let’s alienate the biggest part of our base so we can pick up that Pennsylvania senate seat. No that’s the incorrect strategy Senator Graham. You stick to your party principals and pick up the congressional seats. Understand?

Finally the Republicans I have seen lack the intensity and will to fight fascist on their terms. This next presidential election will need a candidate that will inspire millions of young people to confront the corrupt judges, election officials, ACORN, unions and the fascist apparatus. Foreign campaign donations will need to be exposed to the press by any means necessary. A lot of eggs will need to be crushed and broken if the Republicans are to compete with the democrats. That’s just a fact. Hide the dirty work as much as you can but the dirty work will need to be done.

Ron Paul was the only candidate with the right domestic vision and dedicated workers willing to do what it took to get the job done. Sarah Palin has good instincts but sadly has not developed her economic knowledge to the level where she would make a good president. If she concentrates on bringing that knowledge up on par with Paul I would have no problem supporting her. In a debate between the two on economic issues Paul would run circles around her as he regularly does to his comrades on Capitol Hill. Palin is more realistic on foreign policy and that’s her weakness. I disagree with Paul on foreign policy but at least he has a clear vision of what he wants to do.

So to Lindsey Graham and the other lily livered weak ass Republicans get the hell out of the way. The fascist are in Washington in case you missed the memo and they are not going to relinquish power just because you win the elections. Get ready to fight and nominate the only candidate you have left with any credibility, Ron Paul. If you don’t like the sight of political carnage then stay at home and shut up.

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