Friday, July 31, 2009

Federal Elections Commission Report for 2008

The Federal Election Commission is made up of six board members. Three Democrats and three Republicans. It takes a majority vote to investigate campaign finance fraud.

Pictured are Cynthia L. Bauerly, Caroline C. Hunter, Ellen L. Weintraub and Steven T. Walther.
Not pictured are Donald F. McGahn II and Matthew S. Petersen.

The 2008 election is over. Democrats dominated like George Soros and the Democrats predicted. How did they dominate? In a nutshell they adopted the radical statement “by any means necessary.” Another way of saying we just had a coup where the Republicans were blind sided and weak. This was a guerrilla fight where the Democrats totally ignored the rule of law and the Republicans were still playing by the rules. A big sucker punch. And the results showed it.

First was the financial blow out. The Democrats seem to be well liked by the rich and famous as well as foreign citizens looking for a weaker United States. The bottom line is in 2008 Democrats garnered 64% of the $1,666.2 million in political contributions. The Republicans 36%. Quite a contrast to the propaganda spread throughout the country. Apparently not enough fat cats are contributing to Republicans these days.
Obama received 44.5% of the total contributions. McCain received 20.7%. Obama received an astonishing $741.7 million and 68% of all donations. An astonishing two to one spending gap over McCain’s equally astonishing $345.6 million in donations.

Quit a stark contrast to the 2004 campaign. In 2004 Bush received $258.9 million to Kerry’s $233.9 million. A relatively balanced 52.5% to 47.5%. Democrats raised $400.6 million to Republicans $258.9 million. The total of $662 million is a paltry 40% of the 2008 total of $1,666.2 million. The difference is an astonishing $1004.3 million dollars. To look at it another way the candidates raised 150% more money in 2008. The Democrats raised 166% more contributions from 2004 to 2008 while the Republicans raised 132% more. But the gab in fund raising changed from $141.7 million to $467.2 million in favor of the Democrats.

Political Action Committee (PAC) donations were a paltry 0.4% of all donations. The largest contributors were under $200 dollar donations where the donors address and location are not required to be reported to the Federal Election Commission. 40.4% of all donations in 2008 were untraceable under $200 donations. The second largest donor group was over $2,000 that compromised 28.5% of donations. This under $200 money could have come from overseas or donors contributing over the maximum limit. With current financing laws nobody will ever know.

A further look back at 2000 shows Bush with $94.5 million and Gore with $49.2 million. Republicans increased donations 266% and Democrats 1,400% in eight years. Statistically impossible numbers for donors in the United States. The vote count from 2000 to 2004 went up 12% and from 2004 to 2008 the vote increased 2%. Even with 15 million new voters in eight years, even with smaller donors fired up over Obama’s campaign; these numbers make no sense at all. This was a complete break down in campaign financing law.

In 1996 Clinton received about $43 million and Dole about $45 million. Clearly it seems the less campaign financing reform the better. Evidently McCain-Feingold left a huge hole in campaign financing the size of a Saturn rocket. Obama and the Democrats most likely received $400 million and as high as $537 million from who knows where. Another example of unintended consequences and another reason there should be no campaign financing laws except contributions must be from US citizens and US corporations.

My guess is a lot of money came from the Middle East, Europe and Africa. The BBC recorded one of these campaign finance raising sessions in Gaza City. Obama shirts were sold throughout the world and I would speculate the money was sent to eastern states, placed in pre paid credit cards in sums less than $200 and donated to Obama and the Democrats. Various Internet cops have photographed themselves giving donations in the name of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other fictitious names and addresses to the Obama campaign. Addresses like London, England, Berlin, Germany and so forth. When these Internet cops tried the same tactics with the McCain camp the donations were refused.

So we end up with a most likely ex-Muslim sympathizing Mombasa, Kenyan born president who should have been exposed years ago owning the Democratic Party and the United States for a paltry $500 million dollars. Last time I checked the Gross Domestic Product of the United States was $13,807.5 billion. So for 0.003% of our GDP we now are beholden to a foreign president and foreign interest. The Democrats peace offering is they will be fine in 2012 if Arnold Swarzenager runs for president.
Like we care.
Is Swarzenager even a Republican anymore?

When I was in graduate school it always amazed me when I researched political graft such as the sugar industry how little money it took to bribe politicians and how huge the pay offs would be. For the sugar industry if I recall correctly for every dollar in political donations the industry received $20 to $100 dollars in political protection from foreign competition. It would appear that this last election was the biggest political pay off in the history of the world.

At the federal level is abundantly clear a Libertarian government is what the founding fathers favored. They had been through political graft, corruption and foreign born leaders running their countries via the system of royal marriage prevalent back in the 18th century. The federal government is incapable of anything but the most basic exercise of military and courts. The founding fathers had been through the corruption and did everything they could to limit the federal government.
And now we repeat history. The part of history the founding fathers wanted to avoid.

We have regulations of corporations with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and our banks failed. We had the Securities and Exchange Commission regulating Wall Street and Bernard Madoff ripped off investors’ $50 billion in a ponzi scheme. We had congressional oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and they both are insolvent. And we have the Federal Elections Commission regulating campaign financing and we end up with the most lopsided fraudulently funded election in history. Federal regulation and regulation in general never work and will never work. Crooks don’t care about the law. We can write all the laws and regulations we want and the only people adversely affected by them will be the honest citizens.

Simple transparent rules work best. Here is a couple for campaign financing.

  • First all contributions must have a valid US citizen or US corporations name and address of an eligible voter or corporation traceable and verifiable by the FEC.
  • Second there are no limits on the amount of the donation.
  • Third all donations must be reported to the FEC.

Problem solved.
Transparency achieved.
The Libertarian solution is always the best solution.

Other areas of Republican defeat was federally funded ACORN, a Democratic voter fraud scheme designed to overwhelm local election boards with fraudulent registrations and more importantly to disguise illegal alien and convicted felon voters. The more time the local precinct workers spend on fraudulent voter registrations the less time spent on illegal and felon registered voters. Confuse and conquer.

The Democrats in 2004 perfected the methods of increasing voter turn out and stealing close elections. The Wall Street Journal documented the stealing of the 2004 Washington State governors race recently and the same game plan is working in the Minnesota senator race for the clown Al Franken. The Democrats also work feverishly in their districts after the polls close to get additional voted from voters who didn’t show up to the polls by voting for them. Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be proud.

These guerrilla take no prisoner tactics are favored by communist and fascist the worlds over. 2008 was the death of the Republic and the beginning of the dictatorship. And the Republicans are still clueless. They don’t fight or protest. A complete waste of a party. The Democrats with the exception of the Obama insiders seem equally clueless and have no idea of the perils and tribulations ahead of them. They seem stick in 1996 Clinton la la land. Both parties regulated by McCain-Feingold to trash junk bond status. $500 million dollars goes a long way when you know how to spend it.

Just ask George Soros.

Wall Street journal article about Minnesota/Washington cheating

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