Friday, July 31, 2009

What Do We Do Now After April 15th?

Thanks to grass roots, Republicans, Fox, Rush, Democrats, Boortz, Libertarians and the thousands of local organizers the Tea Party Revolt was a huge success. The fascist in Washington downplayed the protest. So be it. Like in any contest there is not enough time to worry about the other side. Let the intelligence operations in the Republican Party worry about the fascist in Washington. Real change will have to come from outside Washington and that is where the protest is centered.

The first thing people need to realize is what are we for? Limited government. Pretty simple concept. Fine. Keep it that way. Realize that ALL federal programs with the exception of the military and federal judicial responsibility are nothing more that political power grabs. Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, State Health Insurance Program and any program that pays individually money. Power grabs. Simple.

Proof? Look at the power Social Security has over old folks. They go crazy any time reform is proposed. And Social Security is nothing more than a Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Social Security like most federal programs is poorly designed and a huge waste of resources. Similar to having a water pipe broken continually flooding the back yard and never bothering to fix it. It gets worse with time.

John McCain was right about one thing. Social Security is an easy fix. Dissolve the program. Pay contributors their money back with interest, pay retires their retirement benefits till they die and move on.

And just like Social Security is an easy fix so is the rest of our federal programs. US Department of Housing and Urban Development? Dissolve it and sell the assets. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare? Dissolve it and sell the assets. Nothing more than special interest programs that do almost nothing positive.

There is nothing wrong with any of these programs – at the state or local level. And that’s what needs to be the top priority of the people and the next third party that challenges the fascist currently in Washington. No social engineering programs at the federal level period.

A lot of protesters had flat tax signs. Very encouraging. Another way to get the federal government out of our lives. Thanks Boortz and Linder for promoting the idea whose time may come.

Another encouraging development was the awareness of the protesters to the destructive power the Federal Reserve has over our economy. Bravo! I give business television contributor Peter Schiff and others for bringing this to the publics attention. The Federal Reserve should be tasked with increasing the money supply 3% to 5% a year period. No federal funds rate. No discount window. No liquidation insolvent banks. Nothing but increasing money stock 3% to 5% a year. Alan Greenspan had the fed funds rate at 1% in the middle of the sub prime mortgage melt down. It should have been at 9% to make the insane loans more expensive. If the free market was allowed to work risky loans would have been at 9% or higher and millions of them not made. Time for the Federal Reserve to get out of the interest rate business forever.

Finally we need to understand the enemy at the gates of Rome that is burning it down. The people in charge have no connection to the Judeo-Christian country that we are. Obama was born to a communist whore mother and philandering Negro father. He attended a racist Black Theology church for 20 years. The dude in his heart hates white people. Look at the whites he surrounds himself with. Jews, lesbians, homosexuals, incompetents and communist. Anyone see a main stream white dude anywhere around the racist?

White people need to understand that the rest of the world is not like them. White people don’t like to be bothered by racial issues and will do anything they can to avoid the subject. Having grown up around Negros I am telling you all Negros think about is the world in racial terms. Obama is sacking Washington right now because he feels the black folks deserve all that money. Pretty much the same as if burglars’ came into your house while you were gone and took all your stuff for themselves. That’s how Obama and his communist buddies in the White House view the Federal Treasury. Finally the white folks are reacting to the theft. Well it’s about time.

Jews for the most part are secular. Jews although small in number have huge financial resources and contribute to secular causes. Jews have a long history of being persecuted but one has to ask why? Could it be because they are a bad influence on society? In America looking at Hollywood and the Federal Reserve I would unequivocally say Jews are a VERY destructive influence on America.

Our forefathers created segregation of White Anglo Saxon Protestants from other groups for our benefit. We are learning what happens when those other get control over us and enslave us financially and physically. It’s why we fight wars. WASP are 66% of the population. If Obama has his way that number will shrink below 50% in a heartbeat. Obama wants to open the floodgates to immigration and create a white minority. Obama doesn’t want a white America. Obama doesn’t have any use for democracy or rule of law. That’s his dream. That’s the cold hard truth.

Texas governor Rick Perry gets it. He knows the first state Obama wants to make whites a minority in is Texas. Win Texas and the country is yours. Enslave the white folks with high taxes and set up a country where only those you like have power and wealth. Dictatorship. Venezuela. Cuba. The United States.

So the Tea Party is a wake up call. For the 30% that will actually fight this war this is just the first round. Yes succession has to be a viable option. Yes there will be confrontation. For the 30% that actually understands what is happening we have to be ready to fight in any way we can. Palin and Perry get it. We just may need a second civil war if we WASP are to remain free. That’s the cold hard reality. Live free or die.

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