Friday, July 31, 2009

Bush the Chimp and now Obama’s Turn

Something that’s been bothering me since Obama has gotten elected besides the fact that he’s an emotionally handicapped communist nut case that is. Yea that something is political correctness. Obama is a great political reader of the teleprompter maybe the best there ever was. Most of the time his body movements and gestures are fluid and graceful like Manute Bol on steroids and ecstasy. Still for all his grace his tall skinny frame makes him look awkward. And with Michelle next to him they look like a couple from the past, 1968 to be exact.

I had a conversation with my mother about this resemblance and she was aghast with horror. She said I was a racist for saying such a thing which is par for most liberals when they hear an inconvenient truth with a racial aspect to it. I reminded her that people made the same EXACT comparison with former President Bush. Of course that comparison was comparing George Bush to a chimpanzee.

Who can forget the 5,253,114 hits Bill Feldspar got on his web site showing side by side pictures of Bush and chimpanzees. Or Dr. Michael I. Niman showing a picture of a chimp and stating that the chimp would be a better president than George Bush. And the entire photo shopped photos depicting Bush as part chimpanzee. And even DougUK superimposing Bush’s face on a chimp. Yea all that was fine because Bush was a white male who believed in Jesus. Not a problem for the fascist on the left. My dear mother even gave me some refrigerator magnets depicting Bush as half man half chimp.


After my mother scolded me about being a racist I pointed out the double standard and like most liberals she was somewhat confused and had no rational explanation. Finally realizing the impossibility of her position said it was wrong no matter what. Hmmm didn’t hear any racist cries coming from her or any liberals when Bush was compared to a chimp. So in the interest of fair play I want to get this off my chest and not be a coward when it comes to race relations as Attorney General Eric Holder has recommended. I will follow our affirmative action United States Attorney Generals advice and not be a coward in expressing my views on race. I strongly feel if this treatment was good enough for the white guy its good enough for the half Negro guy.


First thing about Obama is he reminds me of Cornelius in the 1968 version of Planet of the Apes. For those who don’t remember or haven’t seen the movie Dr. Cornelius was the doctor studying the humans with his companion Dr. Zira. They were the equivalent of wimpy liberals today. Cornelius showed some stubbornness as are most males and had to be prodded into accepting that humans were intelligent animals by Zira.

“Look Cornelius Bright Eyes is trying to say something.”

“Don’t be ridiculous humans cant speak”

“But look he IS trying to communicate.”


And so the movie went. A bunch of stupid apes chasing down the more intelligent humans, capturing them and enslaving the poor creatures for the rest of their natural existence.

planet-of-the-apes-pictureSo much reminds me of the Marxist in the White House today chasing down all the wealth creators, capturing them and enslaving the survivors into perpetual purgatory. Weeding out the strong ones that can do the labor for the ruling class and killing off the smaller weak ones. The movie fits the reality we are living today. Sorry if that’s politically incorrect but that’s what I am thinking Mr. Attorney General Holder. The stupid apes are in charge of the White House and the head chimp just keeps reading that teleprompter until all the humans are in cages and under control.

Now I will not say Obama is dumber than a chimp or a chimp in the White House would be better like liberal jerk said about Bush. And I really don’t want to compare Michelle Obama to Dr. Zira in the movie. No they are totally different beast. Dr. Zira was intelligent and compassionate. Qualities Michele lacks and has displayed to the nation on several occasions. No Michelle is more like a spoiled indulgent brat that is throwing a temper tantrum against all the white folks who scored higher on test and look more beautiful than herself. Now that her man is in power she’s going to make all those nasty evil white folks pay the price for her shortcomings. Using Marxism to justify her actions of course as any good totalitarian asshole does. Got to hide your own shortcomings somehow right Michele?


Michele was recently bragging about poetry reading in the White House opps “people’s house.” Poetry reading? The people’s house? WTF Michelle. We know you hate strait white folks so just do as Attorney General Eric holder suggest and don’t be a coward. You can tell us white folk you hate our guts. We can take it. Not a problem.

Also Michelle your not stoned on pot and 19 anymore. What I would guess you’re in your 40’s and have children right? Do the words Amy Carter ring a bell? There a reason 40 somethings act 40 something Michele. You would be wise to do the same.

No I don’t really want to dig too bad on the spouse of the president. But I know what the lady is thinking. Another emotionally handicapped Marxist thug wanna be.

And so let the discussion begin. I hope Mr. Attorney General Eric Holder is proud of me. I let it out Mr. Holder. Please don’t call me a coward. Be careful what you wish for Mr. Holder it might come true.

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