Friday, July 31, 2009

The Principals of Secession-Where are the Lawyers?

For years, decades the fascist on the left have used lawyers to intimidate and bully their way to power. Sarah Palin’s $500,000 legal bill defending her and her administration against bogus ethics charges being the latest example. Well it’s time to turn the tables.

When the states succeed from the union they will need to pass state laws that will of course be challenged by the federal government. Here are some laws that will need to be passed by state legislatures. When the laws are challenged and overturned no sweat pass some more laws with different wording and repeat as necessary.

1. Pass a law prohibiting companies from withholding workers taxes. Make the workers write the checks to the federal government. Why just a guess but if citizens realized how much they were taxed they would not be too pleased about it.

2. Pass NRA gun laws. An armed citizenry is a good thing. Look at the killing in Venezuela and Iran by government organizations. Having a few well trained citizens with a few 30-06 would have a very discouraging affect on would be assassins from ACORN and AmeriCorps. Make no mistake about it ACORN and AmeriCorps are the brown shirts of 2009.

3. Pass laws allowing protest in front of all federal building all the time.

4. Pass laws allowing citizens, counties, cities and companies to start contributing to their own private social security accounts. All federal government programs, with the exception of the military, are a rip off. Revolt.

5. Pass a state bank law and print a local currency based on the gold standard. Get the necessary gold reserves to back the currency. The Federal Reserve is blowing up the federal currency and there is a strong possibility the currency will at the very least be devalued to the point of being useless. If states want to avoid the barter system then learn money and banking real quick.

6. Pass laws restricting government service to 12 years for all government employees excluding military. Pretty self explanatory. Get the slugs out into the private sector.

Pass these and other laws. Let the federal lawyers fight them in court. Have the laws overturned. Then pass the same law worded differentially and repeat as necessary. Time to turn the tables on the fascist.

The former USSR died because it did not have any money of value. The same pattern is playing out in Washington. Every bail out dollar spent is another dollar in dept and another fraction of a point in the inflation rate. The “rich” need to starve the federalist and so do the states. Let the fascist drown and die an agonizing death whimpering for more money.

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