The village idiots gathered in Copenhagen last December clinging to their fake science proclaiming the world is flat and there is Global Warming or some such nonsense. And here I sit in Orlando, Florida come January. My house is 64 degrees because the wife hates heaters, says they make her sneeze, and it’s literally freezing outside. Whoever said furry Victoria Secret pajamas are a waste of money never meet my wife. We are expected to have freeze days for four days in a row. The National Weather Service reports the last ten now eleven years the temperature has been dropping and will continue for several decades. Something about the earths orbit not being a perfect circle around the sun and sun spots. So where are the village idiots? Will Al Gore buy the next pair of pajamas for my wife?
Charlatan scientist cooking the books for village idiot consumption
“The two kinds of people who predict weather here are fools and idiots.” Sara Channel of Cal Pines. Amen Sara.
The thought that scientist could even claim to explain the weather over the long run let alone 50 years is laughable. Do they have temperature recording devices in the sun telling when the next solar flairs will occur? Can they measure the energy movement in the sun as its volatile chemistry interacts unpredictably? Of course not. Global Warming always was another fraud perpetuated on the fools who roam the earth believing in voodoo, ghost, communism and socialism. The same fools who believe in Obama and leftist buffoonery. Exposed as nothing more than charlatans and power hungry politicians looking to make some bucks and control the village idiots of the world.
People have been pointing out for years these idiots were nothing more than communist looking for refuge after the fall of the USSR. The uneducated and dumb looking to the very educated to exploit them. If it wasn’t Global Warming it would be some other end of the world scenario. Sometimes the village idiots use religion, nuclear bombs and doomsday clocks, politics, Mayan calendars or what ever is convenient and believable. We have seen the village idiots at work in Washington proclaiming the end of social security while making the problem worse. And this seems to be the repeating pattern for village idiots, proclaim some terrible problem and then make it worse. There is a reason they call them village idiots.
Global Warming is no different. We must self flagellate ourselves into paupers to appease the government gods and the planet. Tax ourselves into the Stone Age. We should run around the fields of America with pellet guns killing rabbits and squirrels for our daily food and only then will the village idiots be happy with our sacrifice. Maybe a few millions or billion humans will die of starvation in the process but the planet will be saved and utopia will descend upon the survivors.
Village idiots self flagellating in the 14th century to combat the black plague
The village idiots all over the world seem to be followers of Pol Pot, leader of Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. He emptied the cities to create a communist agrarian society, marched everyone out to the fields and killed millions because they were not deemed worthy of life or necessary to create the perfect society. He thought only 2 million people would be needed so if 3 million died what was the big deal? And he would have achieved his goal if the North Vietnamese didn’t stop him in 1979 with a military invasion.
Of course the village idiots like Obama and Regulatory Czar – Cass R. Sunstein would never admit this in public. Well maybe Sunstein would but anyway this is pretty much the goal of all leftist since the beginning of time. Killing, power and molding the perfect society. Hitler had the sickness. Obama has the sickness. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Genghis Kahn, Karl Marx all wanting to conquer the world and make it into some unnatural impossible state of perfection.
Estimates from modern polling data show an astonishing 15% of the population is afflicted with this mental disease. Nancy Pelosi would certainly qualify. Harry Reid I suspect is just a front man but you never know. Maybe that youthful boxing finally scrambled his brains. The point is that a sizable portion of the population is inflicted with a serious disease of using whatever excuse is currently popular as an excuse to control other people. And an even larger portion of the population is dumb as a rock and will believe whatever the front man tells them. With Global Warming we are lucky that the village idiots chose to take on Mother Nature and as always Mother Nature has a way of showing who is the boss. They look like fools changing the phrase to “Climate Change”. They are fools.
But the point is educated Americans need to scrap the political correctness and do as our elders did. Call the village idiots village idiots. Obama is a village idiot. Call it like it is.
There will be some new political movement in the future to make the world perfect for mankind and the same village idiots will gravitate to the new found communism of the day proclaiming the same ideas of no work and a lot of pay for all. Peaceful villages where money has no meaning. Utopia for all with just a little sacrifice of ones own selfish desires. But of course the leadership will never be asked to sacrifice. You know the old Animal Farm doctrine of some animals are more equal than other animals. Same crap wrapped up in a new cover.
And so while I sit here chilling out at a nice 64 degrees I take comfort that the latest fraud has been exposed by none other than Mother Nature herself. The charlatan leaders scrambling to change the phrase to Climate Change and cooking a new set of books. The followers contemplating how their gods could have forsaken them. The first victory of 2010 of sanity and rational thought over foolish humans.
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