Here we go into the 2010 political season. 2009 was a public relations disaster for the Democrats. Terrorist attacks have occurred on American soil. Deficit spending is now at 89% of the GDP. The health care legislation will leave millions uninsured; create insurance oligopolies leading to higher premiums. Cap and trade designed to help the Global Warming cause was shown to be a fraud by the coldest winter in 40 years and Obama lives the most lavish lifestyle of any president in history. What to do when everything your Democratic Party touches turns to feces? Play the race card and paint all those white Republicans as racist. The party of Jim Crow, Robert “KKK” Bird and George Wallace needs to get the Negro vote out to the polls or they are toast.
Clarence Thomas tells it like it is
It didn’t take long for the local rag AKA the Orlando Sentinel and Anthony Colarossi to trot out a race story about police officers being members of the KKK. The OS reports Alachua County corrections officer Wayne Kerschner was fired Dec.29 for belonging to the Klan and a year ago Fruitland Park Police Department investigated one of its officers who was linked to Klan groups. The officer, James Elkins, denied he was associated with a Klan chapter but resigned. And? So there are potentially one corrections officer and one police officer in the Klan in the State of Florida? Is this really a front page news story? It is if you want to stir up the emotions of Negros for the 2010 elections.
To show they are fair and balanced the OS quotes Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project director Mark Potok “I doubt very much whether he [Thornton] has many police officers at all in his organization,” Potok said. “I’ve not seen anything to suggest any significant influx of law enforcement into the Klan. … There is an absolutely clear conflict between being a law-enforcement officer and a member of the Klan.”
First off Mark Potok this is America and what an officer believes and does off the clock is his business as long as it does not affect me or anyone else. This isn’t the former USSR but we are rapidly becoming a fascist nation. I don’t care if my police officers pray to Allah, the sun god, Obama or belongs to the KKK. All I want is a professional educated officer to keep the peace and arrest bad guys. I am not a fascist like Potok and I have no political purity test for police officers or anyone else anywhere except elected officials when I vote. Who in the hell does this Bozo think he is? Go to hell.
Second let’s get this race crap out there. Yes there are differences in the races. And ESPECIALLY for police officers it is a matter of LIFE or DEATH. Male Asians end up in jail 1.1% of the time over their life. Whites 4.4%. Hispanics 16.7% and Blacks 28.6%. Look it up at the Department of Justice web site. In recent years they have disguised the race discrepancies statistics better in the name of political correctness. Still it’s there. There’s only so much you can hide and we do have calculators these days.
Now if I am a police officer dealing with scum on a daily basis do you think it would be in my self interest to know the odds of getting killed increase dramatically when I am dealing with black suspects verses Asians? Well yea I would say its simple survival at play here. Maybe some back up is needed. Maybe grabbing my pistol being at the ready as I approach a suspect. Basically if I am a cop I would say to hell with political correctness when I am the one in the line of fire. And you know what? I suspect Mark Potok would abandon his elitist phony enlightened thinking in a New York minute if he was on the front lines. In the real world police have every right to do what it takes to protect themselves and to hell with political correctness.
So if you are a white Republican get ready for ten months of being called a racist. You will be accused of being a member of the KKK, a segregationist, fascist, scum. Maybe you are or most likely you are not. Most white people don’t give a rat’s ass about race but it is always thrown in their face if they disagree with the real fascist on the left. Here it comes.
Over the years I have had to deal with this. Finally after years of this crap I say to hell with it. It’s not my fault blacks average 15 IQ points less than whites on test. It’s not my fault 10,000 years ago humans emigrated from Africa to Europe and had to develop larger brains to deal with the harsh cold environment. Just like it’s not my fault bull dogs are dumb and breed for fighting and border collies are very intelligent and breed for herding livestock. What do you want me to do? It’s not my fault and I am tired of being taxed and scorned for stating the obvious.
John McWhorter tells it like it is
And there it is the uncomfortable truth. The racist campaign by the democrats will have some success with the Negros. Maybe it will work or just maybe Negros will realize how they are being played like fools by their masters. There is always hope someday someone like Clarence Thomas or Berkley professor John McWhorter will be heard by the black masses and get off the plantation. Maybe someday the articles by the Orlando Sentinel will be seen for what they really are, attempts to manipulate the uneducated masses into voting for fascist minded dictators that want to keep them in poverty and bondage. There is always that slim chance.
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