Sarah Palin has agreed to be a contributor to Fox News. She made her first interview with Mr. Bill on 1-12-10. To Mr. O’Reilly’s credit he hit her hard with some tough criticisms and questions. Complain all you want about Mr. Bill, and I have on a few occasions, when it comes to political interviews he is up there with the late great Tim Russert. Tough, fair and direct. Now for the Palin criticisms.
Sarah Palin
First thing that disappointed me about Sarah was her posture. She was leaning forward towards Bill when she should have been sitting strait up in her chair just like Bill. Hopefully she will learn this at Fox. When she leans forward she reminds me of my ex-wife who was a triple D bra size. Now for most men this is GREAT! But to my ex it was an embarrassment and she often hid what Mother Nature endowed her with. She wore multiple garments and slouched over like Sarah did. All the years I was married to her I just scratched my head and wondered why? Guys love the happy sacks so why hide them? Sit back in the chair and let the world see Mother Nature at work. If the camera guy wants to focus on them then so be it. Never be ashamed of your body for better or worse. Of course you don’t want to flaunt them like a cheap whore but don’t hide them. Guys will really appreciate you just being real. Sarah needs to take the attitude “this is who I am” and that’s it. Trust me the guy vote will increase 5%.
Second Bill played a clip from other news outlets criticizing her lack of knowledge in the area of foreign policy. Specifically the Korean peninsula. She answered the question but did she know the Korean War was from 1950 to 1953? Guys know this. We take an interest in it because we are the ones fighting and dying in these wars. Would it be demeaning to say that the communist north invaded the capitalist south in 1950 and later the communist Chinese with USSR MIG-15 assistance continued the conflict until the cease fire in 1953? Come on Sarah let us know you know about Korea, Vietnam, WWII, WWI, The Spanish American war of 1898 that Teddy Roosevelt participated in, the South and Central American adventures in overthrowing banana republics and the rest. Get that education and history level up to par in the coming years. If Sarah doesn’t study it will catch up to her sooner or later.
Third I am all for this lady. Unlike Huckabee who is a fake conservative in my opinion she is the real deal. Her role in history will be historic. If the Republicans behave badly after their 2010 blowouts in the midterm elections, very likely considering their past record of corruption, she is the lone person that can drive a dagger through the heart of the Republican Party. If she uses her charisma and abilities to organize a Tea Party to challenge Republicans and Democrats in 2012 it’s a game changer. It would be historic and for the first time in a hundred years give power back to the people. She would be the beginning of the end of the political oligopoly that has strangled America for 165 years.
In Sarah’s defense she is just a regular red neck girl, or whatever they call them in Alaska, who never in her wildest dreams thought she would be trust into the spotlight. She has fabulous instincts and I would guess have outstanding appointments to her cabinet if she was elected. Who knows maybe she would break up the Ivy League graduate appointments that have run this country into the ground. One can only hope. She just needs to get the body language, media tricks and her performance from a “B” to an “A”. If she does that she a winner no matter which party she runs as a candidate in 2012. Her charisma is off the charts! All that is left is the boring homework and polishing. Go Sarah and bring the country back to the people.
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