The Tea Party movement came onto the national scene a little over a year ago about the same time as Glen Beck made his television debuted on Fox. In that short time both have raised from cult figures to national forces to be reckoned with. Beck has provided the public with much needed information that is easy to understand about the fascist nature of both the Democrats and Republicans. 41% of voters believe the two major parties are so close in philosophy that a third party is needed. With the grass roots organization by the Tea Party and the defeat of Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts senatorial run off the Tea Party is about to receive a lot of unwanted attention from the two major political parties.
The first will come from the left. With Coakley’s defeat the Democrats are going to come after the Tea Party with all they have. They will use overt tactics like New York Times columnist Frank Rich questioning the motives of the Tea Party calling them a “profit seeking affair” for charging $560 a head at their Nashville Tea Party Convention February 4th to the 6th. He demonizes the Tea Party for having the audacity to use the affair to raise money for their organization. Where was this tool when Obama was charging $28,500 per plate at the Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel? The Tea Party needs to ignore the tools on the left and open the books for all to see. End of story.
The second attack will possibly be penetration and sabotage. The Palm Beach Post reports Orlando Attorney and Democrat Fred O’Neil recently changed his party affiliation to Tea Party and will field Tea Party candidates in selected congressional races. O’Neil states "We want to get one — but only one — conservative candidate on the ballot in November" in each race. "Sometimes the candidate that the Republicans put up is not a true conservative." But many are questioning his motives suggesting he will be trying to split the conservative vote in Democratic congressional districts between a Tea Party candidate and the Republican. This would create safe districts for Democrats and foil any upset bids. Palm Beach Post staff writer Tim Dunkin argues that the Tea Party is better off taking over the Republican Party and not forming as a third party.
Fred O’Neil has also allegedly sent e-mails to smaller Tea Party groups threatening legal action against them if they continue using the name. Who appointed Fred O’Neil the protector of the Tea Party name? Nobody I know of. Sounds like political sabotage to me.
The third avenue of attack will be from the Republican Party. Republican candidates will use the Tea Party movement to advance their political careers. Two politicians come to mind. The first is Palin. She will be the key note speaker in Nashville. She is on the record on the Glen Beck show as having stated she will not charge for the event. What is her motivation? She declined a chance to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference or CPAC. To me it’s pretty obvious. She is sending a strong message to the Republican establishment that she may run as a Tea Party candidate in 2012. Flashback to 1992 with Bill Clinton winning with 43% of the vote and Ross Perot 19% of the vote. If Palin runs as a Tea Party candidate she will get that 41% of the vote and then some. The Republican Party will be the third man on the outside looking in. Anyone who thinks this lady is dumb is delusional, a tool or dense.
The second candidate to use the Tea Party as a vehicle to rise to stardom is Marco Rubio. At 38 he is challenging incumbent Florida Governor Charlie Crist for the Republican nomination to the US Senate seat formerly held by Mel Martinez. In normal times before the Tea Party this would be a casual affair where the young upstart is gently put in his place come Election Day by the political establishment. But these are not normal times and the electorate is hyper aware of Crist’s record as a RINO.
The most recently supporting a high sped rail line to nowhere known to us locals as Poinciana south of Kissimmee. I can just see all those retirees and cowboys paying that $5 to go to the big city of Sanford. It was a pure pork project designed to get $2 billion in federal funds with no thought of where the line would have been utilized to its fullest advantage. With a little planning and political heat the line could have connected Orlando International Airport to Disney, Sea World and Universal Studios. It would at least stimulate the tourist industry. As it is it will cost federal and Florida taxpayers billions and utilization by the public will be limited. The death blow to Crist and his senatorial campaign and the rise of the Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio. Without the Tea Party this revolt would not have been possible.
Rubio’s motives may or may not be pure. But who is to say a young candidate like Rubio comes on the scene and just replaces an older candidate with a more established track record? The grass roots Republican Party using the Tea Party to clear a little dead wood and get a better candidate with a better chance of winning in position? Rubio is of Cuban decent and speaks fluent Spanish. Republicans need all the Hispanics they can get. Looks like it already happened. I would be dismayed and shocked if Crist wins this primary.
The point being is that the Tea Party can be a long term force of a flash in the pan. It will get attacked and used from all sides. Democrats, Republicans and the press. Welcome to the big show. The Tea Party needs to get more centralized at the national level to organize what its goals are. The main goal of the Tea Party should be to become independent of the Republican and Democrat Party. It should work with both parties when it is in their interest but keep a safe distance.
What the Tea Party leadership needs to remember is that 44% of conservatives ARE NOT Republicans for a reason. For me personally as a Libertarian I disagree with Republicans holier than though attitude about abortion. Abortion should be decided at the local level by the local people. I disagree with their attitude about gambling, prostitution, spending, social security, Medicaid, education and every other federal program they and the Democrats have inflicted on this land. Let the locals set up the types of communities they want and go away with your bible thumping patriots. Live free or die.
A lot of Democrats dislike their party just as intensely as I do Republicans. They hate the hijacking of their party by the radicals. They hate the deficit spending. They may be compassionate and want to help others but would rather do it at the local level where they can have direct access to the politicians spending the money. Maybe they support the Tea Party because they see no alternative to bringing back the Democratic Party to its roots before Woodrow Wilson when they truly were the party of the people. If the Tea Party becomes the lap dog of the Republican Party they can kiss any Democrat support goodbye.
What conservatives and liberals need to realize is both parties were hijacked by progressives at the turn of the 20th century. Teddy Roosevelt (R) and Woodrow Wilson (D) changed the parties into what they are today. There is not a dimes worth of difference between them and both are dedicated to dictatorship over the masses.
Traditionally in the past liberals would oppose the police state, militarization of society and imperialism. Their party has been taken over and now Obama is working with large corporations to conquer the world and eliminate competition. Monopolies and oligopolies for all. GE, GM, Goldman Sacks, Citi Bank to name a few of Obama’s favorites. Obama also wants to create a domestic police force just as large as the military. For what? We all know what and so do thinking liberals. And where do these liberals have to turn? Not their party. They are in the same predicament Republicans were with Bush spending like a drunken sailor on leave. If the Tea Party gets to close to the Republican Party this support will be gone and that segment of the Democratic Party will once again be in the political wilderness.
The correct course for the Tea Party would be to stick to its principals of limited government as outlined in the constitution of the United States and the elimination of the Federal Reserve as it currently form. Ignore wedge issues designed by politicians to create brain lock in the electorate like Global Warming and abortion. Ignore all other political distractions and concentrate on the core mission of returning the nation to the constitution and federalism. It’s that simple.
Field candidates as needed. There is no need to apologize for taking Republican votes. Republicans don’t own those votes and if they lose a few elections then so be it. Republicans got where they are because they have no principals. Let them suffer. Sooner or later if they don’t shape up the Tea Party will replace them. This argument that the Democrats will win every election if the Tea Party runs a candidate is absurd if the Tea Party appeals to the natural instincts of liberals to avoid a police state. All the Tea Party has to do is effectively communicate that message to liberals. Sooner or later liberals will wake up and see how their party has been over run with fascist that is taking them for a ride to the gulag.
What would I do if the Libertarians suddenly got 41% of the population supporting them? I would kick a little ass. Both parties deserve it and I would show no mercy. Raise money and field candidates. If the Republicans want to work together fine do it on equal terms. Same with the Democrats. Don’t be anybody’s bitch and kick some ass.
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