“I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go
to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male
construction workers.” (Fmr. Sec. of Labor Robert Reich, Jan. 7, 2009, on how
the stimulus money should be spent.)
This little Jewish man pretty much sums up the thoughts of 78% of the Jews in America as far as their attitudes towards whites. He was Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary from 1993 to 1997.
The Jew 78% have been assaulting Christianity and the republic since the turn of the 20th century. They have been the primary founders and sponsors of such racist groups as the NAACP, SPLC, ACLU, ADL and others like the Annenberg Foundation.
What do these groups and people do? Shut down Christianity from the public square wherever they can. Form alliances with Negros (NAACP 1913) influencing them vote for radical leftist virtually cementing the prospects of a second civil war in America. 95% of Negroes vote democratic left even though the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow and has Robert KKK Bird still in the senate. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. George Wallace a Democrat. Why would a oppressed group vote for the oppressing party? Ask a immigrant communist Russian Jew and the founders of the NAACP.
Oh and these groups defend terrorist, rapist, murderers and stifle free speech. What a contribution, not.
Robert Reich doesn't approve of white people getting federal dollars
People forget Jews have a long history of communism. They are not innocent victims. Some are racist, kill and commit acts of terrorism. Read the communist manifesto by Karl Marx who while technically was not a Jew was born to Jewish parents until they converted later in life to Lutheranism. Leon Trotsky was another atheist communist born of Jewish parents.
The list of communist Jewish spies is long. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Martin Sobell, Harry Magdoff, Nathan Silvermaster, Isak Akhmerov, Maurice Halperin, Theodore Hall, Samuel Dickstein, and in the future you will most likely add Barbra Boxer, Diane Feinstein and Rahm Emanuel to the list. I could go on, the list is endless but what’s the point? 78% of Jews in America have done everything in their power to cripple the religious and freedom loving parts of the nation.
There seems to be a pattern. Probably the same pattern that has existed throughout European history since the Jews were scattered in 70 AD by the Romans. Seems that throughout history Jews are not always so innocent as portrayed and as Robert Reich shows and can be quite racist and vile. Maybe there were reasons for the numerous pograms throughout history. Maybe the natives got tired of being discriminated against by Jews and put them in their place. You would never know it reading current history. The truth seems to be buried in political correctness. Good thing we have Robert Reich to remind us of who Jews really are.
Is this racist?
No more so than the disgusting Robert Reich and his ilk spewing anti white policy and legal entanglements from coast to coast.
Frankly I and millions of whites are sick of being treated like second class citizens by our government. Every time we deal with the government or Private Corporations we are asked to group ourselves. White male go to the back of the line. This is not some insignificant form on a job application. Congressional allocation of federal dollars, college entrance and scholarship money, job placements, promotions and so forth are affected by ones race and sex in America today. And we have to ask ourselves why?
Martin Luther King wanted to be judged on the content of his character. So why have we developed a system that discriminates against white people? My whole adult working life I and millions of others have had to deal with this. Frankly I want my own government that represents the values of freedom and liberty. I will fight and die if need be to create it. I will not live under tyranny or be treated like a second class citizen. Our government is corrupt beyond repair and this is just one small part of the corruption. Time for the white man to stand up to the Jews, Negros, and secular progressives. Is that racist Robert Reich? I hope so. Change is coming and you might not like it much.
Finally I would like to apologize to the 22% of Jews who have in the past and currently fight for freedom and liberty. Ayn Rand is idolized by millions for her body of work, Atlas Shrugs, Fountainhead and many others. Blogger Pamela Geller and others seem to be born with total dedication to freedom and liberty. God bless them.
As for Robert Reich and his racist comrades may they go to hell or Germany. Makes no difference to me.
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