I was watching the Beck interview with Palin on 1-13-10 on Fox and the thoughts just ran wild. The first thought is Glen looked like a 6th grader eying the hot teacher trying his best to impress her that he really is a grown up. Palin to her credit is a wonderful actress but I couldn’t help but notice a little “stay away from me creep” in her body language. Most of us have experienced someone taking a unwelcome interest in us, usually of the sexual nature, and just wanting to get as far away as fast as possible. Maybe I am wrong but when Glen starting saying he wanted another George Washington to appear and save the country staring at Sarah with his almost crying eyes it was just freaking awkward. I felt Sarah just wanted to reach over and smack the little kid saying “that’s not appropriate now behave yourself”. But this is television and that will never happen.
Glen Beck
For the record Mr. Beck Sarah is no George Washington. She is no Abraham Lincoln. She most closely resembles in personality and background Andrew Jackson (1829 to 1837). She grew up in the wilderness and has a common realistic view of the world and how to solve problems. She has run businesses for survival not photo ops on Fortune Magazine. She worked her way through college and struggled, sacrificed and had very little preferential treatment other than that afforded her by her beautiful looks and natural grace. I would classify her as a tough red neck chic who got the hog wash knocked out of her pretty early in life. She has had pretty much the same life story as Andrew Jackson except different sexes.
Andrew Jackson was extremely passionate about doing what was best for the average person. He didn’t talk the talk like today’s liberals and then as soon as he was elected plunder the treasury rewarding his friends. Jackson walked the walk. Like Palin today Jackson’s opponents slandered and distorted his record and dug up every bit of dirt on him they could. He didn’t care except when it came to his family and did everything in his power to help the average man and keep the federal government under control.
Jackson did what so many are calling for today, he ended the Federal Reserve. Back then it was the Second Bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve of it’s time. And as is today Jackson’s opponent at the Second Bank, Chairman Martin Brindle waged a war against Jackson. The usual political dirt was dragged up as well as arguments for the continuation of the charter for the Second Bank. Jackson argued that the second bank concentrated the nation’s financial strength in a single institution, exposed the government to control by foreign interests, served mainly to make the rich richer, exercised too much control over members of Congress and favored northeastern states over southern and western states.
Andrew Jackson 1829 to 1837
Does any of this sound familiar? According to the federal government four banks own 56% of the market share in the United States. They are too big to fail so we the people just gave them $700 billion of our money. If we had never bailed them out the market share would be spread out over hundreds of smaller banks. But in stepped the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary Paulson to save them. And wouldn’t you just know it the Federal reserve reported a 52.1 billion dollar profit for 2009! It’s just amazing how much money you can make when you can add zeros to accounts and print your own money! Who cares about the people and inflation? The big guys made money. Palin hasn’t stated a position on this subject but I suspect she would favor ending the Federal Reserve.
Jackson and Palin don’t have a once of ego between the two of them. Both know life’s hardships. Both know the power of Mother Nature as well as the higher being. Neither Jackson nor Palin would never look down on anyone and think they are superior in any way. No better or worse just blessed by god to be in a position to make peoples lives better. Humble but ready to fight for what is right.
This is quite the contrast to our ethnocentric president. All you have to do is look at the upbringing of Obama to see why he is a continuation of Bush and the plundering of the American Treasury. Divorce mother, abandoned at the age of ten, raised by grandparents who sent him to a private school. Never had to have a crappy teenage job. Never had to work his way through college. Never had to get the SAT or LAST scores to get into the finest universities. He learned early that work is for losers and never bothered. A scholarship from PLO spokesman. Affirmative action selection for Colombia and Harvard. He got the affirmative action ride of a lifetime.
Look at his actions. Health care reform that creates insurance oligopolies that will raise rates and tax the poor, special deals with upper middle class union members, pork projects that benefit his contributors, sympathy for Haiti while ignoring American terrorist victims for three days, contempt for his campaign promises of openness. He is an elitist in every sense of the word. The closest person I would compare him to would be King Lois the XVI of France and Marie Antoinette. Partying and living the high life while the peasants starved in the streets of Paris. “Let them eat cake” is now “Let them have health care”. Barack and Michele living the high life in Washington while the country slips into a depression from his excessive spending and financial favors to his constituents. He is a horrible example of a human being that is well on his way to being despised as much as King Louis was in his day.
Sarah Palin
Finally I just get sick and tired of Sarah Palin being called dumb and Obama smart. Obama is an affirmative action hack. Nothing more and nothing less. Palin I would guess has an IQ around 100. Obama I would guess around 95. Just a guess. Neither one is a brain surgeon. Neither one will be bragging about their SAT scores anytime soon. The difference between the two is one knows who she is and one doesn’t have an ounce of common sense. One faced the harsh realities of life on her own and one was given a ride through life. One has worked hard for a meager wage and one despises work and feels only losers’ work for a living. Sarah is the next Andrew Jackson and Obama is our living breathing King Louis the XVI spending the public treasury on his friends and himself.
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