George Bush our 43rd president hides out in Crawford, Texas while America is run by the village idiot communist from Chicago. The New World Order son carried out his duties to enslave America as best he could showing his true colors in the last year of his administration. The $152 billion bail out followed by the $300 billion bail out and finally the $700 billion bail out. So much for the free market. Unlike Obama who does not hide his contempt for the people and free markets Bush was just plain dense.
Bush 43 the New World Order
He allowed himself to first appoint Goldman Sacks alumni Treasury Secretary Paulson and then listened to him. It is now reported Bush warned of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac insanity 17 times prior to the melt down so why did he bail out the players? No bail out, no corruption. Actions have consequences but not with Bush and Paulson. Why did he not stick to his principals of capitalism?
I get so tired of hearing rationalizations for the bail outs that the world would cease to exist. That 50% to 80% of the banks would have disappeared overnight. And? Bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Are any banks out there making loans to small businesses today?
The banking sector would have rejuvenated with strong banks taking over market share. The Federal Reserve would have assisted in the liquidation of banks. Bankruptcy courts would have sold off profitable assets to viable firms. Yes it would have been bad. Yes the economy would have negative growth. But it would all be over now and the economy would be growing minus a few trillion in government debt. It would all be over now but instead we have the debt and inflation to look forward to as the economy recovers dragging it down like a mill stone around our neck. Capitalism works if you let the bad guys on Wall Street go bankrupt. The Bush bail outs will haunt the United States for decades.
So let’s look at the Bush accomplishments. Two wars when most would argue only one was needed. In hind sight does anyone want to relive the Iraq War with Rumsfeld in charge? Maybe with Gates we should have went into Iraq but with Rumsfeld and Bush it was a disaster. And it cost Bush dearly.
I understand the strategy of taking out a bad guy, isolating another bad guy Iran and killing a lot of terrorist. But come on six years? Would Eisenhower and Patton have wasted so much time? Lincoln? I don’t think so. Fact of the matter is the Iraq War was going bad in 2004 and after the election Rumsfeld should have been fired along with half the White House staff. While American soldiers bleed and died Bush was weak and did not seek out a Petraeus or Gates until two years later. Costly to his party, costly to our troops, costly to Iraqis and it led to the Democratic victories in 2006. A monumental blunder that will be forever taint his presidency.
On domestic policy how would you like to be told federal current receipts would grow from a low of 1855.9 billion to a high of 2682.9 billion? A nice 44% growth in tax revenues. After the Clinton NASDAQ bust and 9-11 this is exactly what happened. Bush cut taxes twice and revenues increased dramatically for the federal government. It’s even more impressive when you look at the time frame this occurred, only 58 months. 44% tax receipt growth in 58 months, from February 2002 to October 2007, works out to an astonishing 9% per year! Whoever said tax cuts lead to deficits never studied Arthur Laffer. The Bush tax cuts worked spectacularly just like all tax cut do when the rate of taxation is over 27% of the GDP.
Federal Spending under Bush
Why do “educated” businessmen and women on financial shows like Fox’s Bulls and Bears continue to say cutting taxes lead to deficits? Spending and tax receipts are two separate issues. If you cut taxes revenues increase. If you spend more than you bring in deficits increase. If you spend less deficits decrease. Duh.
Unfortunately for Bush this growth was undercut by Freddie Mae, Fannie Mac, Alan Greenspan’s insane federal funds rates and the Democrats pushing the Community Reinvestment Act on the banking industry creating the housing bubble. By the time Bush left office tax receipts had fallen 16% off their high as foreclosures mounted.
Federal tax receipts under Bush
And now for the bad news. Federal expenditures from 2001 to 2009 increased over 65%. Bush undercut every Republican principal by pushing federal spending to unprecedented levels.
Prescription drug benefits that benefited the drug industry, no child left behind that centralized power over education in Washington, two wars fought incompetently most of the time, homeland security spending on Hazmat fire trucks that sit all over America unused. And all that pork for nothing. Bush and the Republicans had a chance to pay down the deficit in the good years and instead chose to spend us into dictatorship. Bush trampled on civil liberties in the name of war. And that is and always will be his legacy. Another phony leader who’s only goal is to increase the power of the federal government and the New World Order. Like father like son.
His intentions may have been good but he surrounded himself with incompetents and fake conservatives. If he was really for the people he should have raided scholars from the CATO Institute, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Center for Freedom and Prosperity not Goldman Sacks rejects to serve his administration. His actions speak for themselves.
He chose drug companies and centralized federal government over the people time after time. He allowed civilians and soldiers to die for two years before he searched out Petraeus and Gates. He was no Abraham Lincoln. He was no Andrew Jackson. He was not for the people and his war legacy was saved by a couple of patriots. He led his party into minority status and forever tainted the brand name Republican. Even if the Republicans do well in 2010, and they will, the people have seen enough and are already mobilizing to defeat Republicans even as I write this. Tea Party movements will become Tea Party candidates all across America. 40% of the American population is without representation in the congress of the United States. Secessionist are forming in states like Texas and Alaska and have as much as 30% public support. This is the legacy of George W. Bush. A man who in the face of adversity cling to the stooges in Washington and abandoned his common sense.
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