The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has had an old quote come back to haunt him. He described Obama as a “light skinned” African-American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” – and that it would help rather than hurt his eventual presidential bid. What a complete crock of dung this whole story is.
First this is an old story. It was out there in 2008 for anyone reading anything other than the main stream media. We have the internet now and if anyone is surprised by this story they are only fooling themselves. Please let’s pass on the propaganda and get to the real story.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
The real story is Reid is toast in Nevada. Reid passed health care with 60 votes and his job is done. He is expendable. With the loss of the 60th senate vote looming on the horizon with a possible Republican elected in Massachusetts or the death of Robert “KKK” Bird expected any day now there is really no reason to keep the highly unpopular Reid around agitating voters with his diminutive smug stature. That is why this old story was dragged out of the mud.
Second the Democrats want to drag out the race card in 2010 so they have to clean house of the Klan members and put the other democrats on notice to tone down the bigoted remarks made towards their slaves at the bottom of the food chain. The party of Jim Crow and George Wallace needs to come off as the party of Negros in 2010 or they will lose by huge margins. It’s all about stirring up the Negros for the mid term elections.
The Democrats would like to replace Reid and Pelosi for the 2010 election but especially Reid since his prospects of reelection are slim to none. Like Daschle before him he is universally hated and despised by the people. Time for another front man. Maybe an affirmative action female like Janet Napolitano or Sonia Sotomayor. Maybe another Negro that Obama can relate to like Charles Wrangle. Dumb and dumber with or without pigment. Who cares? Baffle the peasants with bull crap. Get the Negros riled up enough to get their 80% fat asses to the polls on Election Day. This is so transparent it’s funny. Got to get the dumb asses to the polls or we will lose congress. Play the race card.
One final thought. When I was growing up and I am certain when Reid was growing up the common term for blacks was Negro. This was the term used by the older generation to confer respect to these people and different from the more common street term nigger. Back then most white men were not scared to call out “niggers” on the street. “Hey nigger tip your hat to that lady son”. Just like that and the Negros of the day would tip that hat or get a beat down or maybe a lynching. So when Reid was using the term “Negro” he was showing respect and may or may not have thought Negros inferior. My guess is after working with Maxine Waters, Roland Burris, Barbra Lee and the other idiots running around congress without a clue he doesn’t have the highest respect for the black race. But that’s just a guess.
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